Programming Takeover!

Hi CMC! We’re the Assistant Unit Leaders (a.k.a. the AULs, or as we call ourselves, the “owls”). In our respective units, we are each in charge of creating and executing nightly programs, assisting with camp-wide events, and aiding with anything else that falls within the realm of programming. We can also be found around camp attending cabin activities with our campers, planning epic breaks for Maccabiah, and engaging in all sorts of whimsy. Though we all have the same job, you’ll find it looks different for each of us, as we focus on exploring our unit’s unique values through our EPs (evening programs). We’re super excited to tell you about some of our favorites!

My name is Talia and I’m the AUL for Shorashim, the youngest unit at camp. In planning for some of the littlest kiddos, my programs will tend to look a little different from what you might experience in upper division. Shorashim’s core values are curiosity and kehilah (community), so we aim to engage in activities that involve a lot of exploration, community-building, and lighthearted whimsy. One of my favorites is a program we call “Torah Smackdown”, a scripted MMA-Style fight featuring characters from the Torah. In this summer’s Torah Smackdown, the kids were guided through the story of Purim and all its key players before being asked to “prep” their fighters—they’d dress them up in trash bags and feather boas, come up with chants to cheer on their team, and prepare their fighter with a couple superpowers for their battle. Though the Torah doesn’t necessarily detail Queen Esther and Achashverosh battling it out with pool noodle swords in a ring made of mattresses, campers are able to engage with the same core story in an exciting and very visual way. Another popular one is called “The Dino-Shor Adoption Agency,” a program in which campers are each given the chance to adopt and take care of a plastic dinosaur. Complete with a written exam to prove readiness and an official adoption certificate, Dino-Shor teaches responsibility and compassion in a way that is digestible and fun for our 2nd through 4th graders. 

Hi I’m Zoë! I’m the AUL for Netzarim (5th and 6th graders). Netzarim’s core values are compassion and b’tzelem elohim (in the image of God), so our EPs tend to have a strong emphasis on teamwork and relationship-building. My current favorite EP, “Staff’s Got Talent”, was created by me alongside two amazing, creative staff members last session. It was so whimsical and fun that we’re bringing it back later this week! In this program, campers are put into small groups with one staff member. They are given a variety of truly strange props and have twenty minutes to work together to prepare their talent show act. But wait! There’s a twist. The staff member is the only one allowed to perform. We have a panel of judges that give comments after each act and have the power to push the “golden buzzer” (which doesn’t actually affect the game in any way besides adding an element of surprise). In “Staff’s Got Talent”, campers not only learn to work together towards a single end goal but they also get to see their staff pushing themselves out of their comfort zone and having fun. At this age, when campers are starting to care about how they present themselves, seeing staff being goofy and laughing at themselves encourages them to do the same. Some of the other fan-favorite EPs include Spy Night (my personal favorite after Staff’s Got Talent), Netz Wedding, and Survivor. With all of these EPs, Netzarim campers are able to let loose, get weird, and build strong relationships with campers and staff alike.

Hello my name is Safira and I’m the Amirim assistant unit leader. Amirim means treetops and with the second oldest group of kids on camp we are all about personal growth and tikkun midot which means helping the campers build their character to new heights at camp! Consequently, our evening programs revolve around the idea of building confidence to positively impact our surrounding community. One of my personal favorite programs that we run is called Dutch auction. The campers all bring a random item from their cabins and are put in teams to compete against each other. Teams will have to complete activities we announce at the beginning of each round, they have a couple minutes to prepare their response to the task and then present them in front of the Unit. PLOT TWIST!! Each challenge requires the use of the random items each camper bought with them to actually complete the challenge. This is a super fun and high energy evening program whilst also promoting teamwork and encouraging the campers to be creative and develop their own personal voice and grow confidence as they communicate and present their ideas to everyone. This is a quintessential Amirim program showcasing whimsy and exploring our unit values to help the campers have the most fun. 7th and 8th grade is such a vital age where campers start to really develop who they are as people and the Amirim evening programs is how the campers continue to build their character and confidence in a fun and whimsy way to create long lasting memories with their peers for years to come.

Hi, I’m Elite, the Assistant Unit Leader for Atid. Atid, which means “future”, in Hebrew, represents our oldest campers who are all about embodying courage and Tzedek (justice). As role models for the younger groups, they take on more significant responsibilities and their programs are designed to reflect their leadership and maturity.

Our evening programs are crafted to emphasize these core values while also fostering creativity, teamwork, and strength.                                                                                                           

One of my favorite programs is “Atid Initiation,” a perfect blend of physical challenges, teamwork, and reflection.

This program is a comprehensive experience where campers engage in various stations designed to test their courage, creativity, and sense of justice.

During “Atid Initiation,” campers might find themselves navigating obstacle courses that require both physical prowess and strategic thinking, working in teams to solve complex puzzles, or reflecting on real-life scenarios that challenge their understanding of justice. Each station is crafted to push them beyond their comfort zones while reinforcing the core values that define Atid.                                                                                                                         

The culmination of the program is a group discussion where campers share their experiences and insights, creating a deeper understanding of their leadership roles and responsibilities.

Through engaging in these programs, Atid campers experience personal growth and develop a strong sense of unity. The activities are very fun and interactive and at the same time they’re deeply impactful, helping them to solidify their leadership skills and understand the significance of their roles as the senior campers at CMC.                         

These programs create lasting memories and reinforce the values that will guide them well beyond their time at camp.