Jewish Life
Camp Mountain Chai welcomes all Jewish children and teens, regardless of religious affiliation or education. Our campers range from those with day school education to those for whom CMC is the only exposure to Judaism. Campers are encouraged to explore their cultural, traditional and religious heritage in a warm and supportive environment. We stress Jewish values in our thematic programs, and our Shabbat services are presented in an enjoyable and creative manner.
At CMC we live Judaism, whether at the morning degel (flagpole gathering), meals or in everyday activities. Our campers feel comfortable and love the “ruach”, or spirit that is evident throughout camp. Shabbat is welcomed with a presentation by our SITs, followed by camper-led services. Our Shabbat celebration continues with a special Shabbat dinner, “rocking” the dining hall with music, and camp-wide Israeli Dancing. Shabbat is concluded with a beautiful Havdallah service under the stars.
The Judaic program also includes Israel Day, Maccabiah Games, and Tisha B’Av observance, as well as Bar and Bat Mitzvah tutoring upon request. These programs, as well as the ongoing Jewish spirit that pervades camp in program areas such as arts and crafts and drama, allow our campers to explore and develop their Jewish identity.
Tarbut Yisrael

We welcome a large delegation of Israeli staff (Mishlachat), creating unbreakable bonds with our homeland. During the session, one of our Shinshinit develops and facilitates a cabin activity designed to educate our campers about the people, culture, and history of Israel. At CMC, we also host Yom Yisrael (Israel Day) each summer, which immerses our campers into Israeli life.